Sharon L Jones
Enlightening Center
Certified Training, Classes,

Workshops & Events

If no dates are listed classes can still be taken via home-study courses - Thank you and STAY SAFE!
Up-Coming Workshops
Dates To Remember!
Classes &
Certified Training
Most Courses Can Be Taken Via -
One-on-One, In a Group or DIgital Home Study​ Courses

No Future Events At This Time

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Will begin in the Fall
Dates & Location
are Yet to be Determined
So you can get advanced notice & Sign-Up Early!
If You Would Like to List Your Event Here
Email The Information To Sharon as she loves to support others. Upon review, she will then post it here on the "Event" page

Maintenance, Cleansing, Balancing & Alignment
For Course Description & Prices - Click Here
This course is a must for anyone working in the Alternative Health field, or if you are an energy worker/healer; as this is where all Alternative Healing begins. And it is also where all illnesses begin. Whether you are an Acupuncturist, Reiki Master or Energy Healer, This is the system you are tapping into to produce healing throughout the body when this system is healthy. Then, a trained practitioner can adjust the rest of your energies through your meridian points using other alternative healing modalities. But you must start here first!
In this course, you will learn how to locate, clean, balance, and align both the Chakra & the Aura systems. As a bonus, you will learn about energy and how to tap into it for healing purposes. You will also learn how to keep these systems maintained after the initial cleaning, which can be an added bonus for both yourself and your clients! You will also learn not one, but several ways/techniques that can be used to work with this system, which also adds value. Again I cannot express how important it is that EVERYONE learns this. As this is the first place you must start to obtain whole-health on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, if these systems are not healthy, neither are you!
Call Today to Get Started - 614-440-4076
Usui Reiki is to be considered the "Original" form of Reiki which was taught by Dr. Mikao Usui, who then taught this "Energy" healing modality to Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who then introduced it to our "Modern" world to be used to assist others with healing - Reiki is one Alternative Health modality that is being widely used, today, in hospitals around the world. Usui Reiki uses all original symbols & comes with your lineage I am considered an eighth-generation Usui Reiki Master/Teacher.
During your training, not only will you receive the Usui Original required training, but you will also receive "Bonuses" within each Usui Reiki Level. Note: You must complete "Level II, to be able to work on others.
Become A Reiki Master Today! 614-440-4076

No Other Training Is Available At This Time
Here's a list of what may be coming your way in Fall 2023
Sharon Also Offers Specific
Private Training & Classes
Designed Around Your Specific Interests -
Call For More Information 614-440-4076
Animal Energy Work - Assist your pets via Alternative Health!
Crystals - The Basics
Smudging For Your Home or Business
Working With Your Pendulum
The Art of Manifestation - What You Really Need To Know!